Wednesday, August 6, 2008


What's so great about Weezer? I'm glad you asked! This is a band whose music is so accessible and anthemic that it truly represents the "everyteen." I heard "Beverly Hills" on the radio today, with its Queen-like hook, and I was reminded how wonderfully sarcastic the lyrics are:

"Where I come from isn't all that great / My automobile is a piece of crap / My fashion sense is a little wack / And my friends are just as cool as me / I didn't go to boarding schools / Preppy girls never looked at me / Why should they? / I ain't nobody / Got nothin' in my pocket / Beverly Hills, that's where I want to be / Livin' in Beverly Hills" . . . "The truth is, I don't stand a chance / It's something that you're born into / And I just don't belong / No I don't, I'm just a no class, beat down fool / And I will always be that way / I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play."

There's nothing glamorous or pretentious about these lyrics. The irony, though, is that their boasting of a lack of coolness makes Weezer so incredbily cool we can't help but listen. Their latest album's first single, "Pork and Beans" is my latest "turn up the radio full blast" favorite. It makes me feel like a rebellious kid again. How could you, not with lyrics like these:

"I'ma do the things that I wanna do / I ain't got a thing to prove to you / I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans / Excuse my manners if I make a scene / I ain't gonna wear the clothes that you like / I'm find and dandy with the me inside."

Anyone else singing that last line would be downright cheesy, but from Rivers Cuomo? More like James Dean-y. Man, his dorkiness is so adorable! And a rebellion from the norm. I'm also obsessed with the video (unfortunately, I'm not able to embed it, but here's the link: which stars internet celebrities and parodies viral internet videos. One of whom is the real Chris Crocker, who completely fascinates me. If you've never heard of him, he's a regular dude who posted a sincere video diary that is one of the funniest things you'll ever see (besides Seth Green's parody of it days later on E!'s The Soup). Here's Chris Crocker's original video(beware really bad language):

And here's Seth Green's GENIUS parody:

But back to Weezer. I automatically gain respect for any rock star who appears with the Muppets:

What's funny to me, is that when I was younger, I would have used the lyrics to Pork and Beans justify bad behavior, whereas now, I look at this attitude in a whole new light. Now, I'm using it to justify my good behavior! In some ways, I (and many of my friends and family) am living my life contrary to most of the world. I'm staying home with my kids instead of chasing a career (a big sacrifice for me and my family), I believe fully in my religion and follow it the best I can, I don't drink or smoke, etc. Okay, hang on while I get off my high horse. Okay, that's better. Anyway, as I was saying, the lyrics above are now my anthem for staying on the straight and narrow - "I ain't got a thing to prove" to people who think stay at home moms are just dummies who can't make any money out in the real world. "I ain't gonna wear the [hoochie] clothes" that other people might like. Interesting that our whole lives we're rebelling against something or someone, no matter what path we choose!