Thursday, January 31, 2008

When a video ruins a perfectly good song...

I don't think many would disagree when I say that most products do not live up to their advertising. $4 mascara will not make you look like Eva Longoria, and health food will NEVER taste like chocolate cake. It may sound like a vast consumer conspiracy, but it's necessary to sell products. And smart consumers know to take each sales pitch with a grain of salt. Music videos are, essentially, an advertisement produced to boost album and concert ticket sales. Of course, Michael Jackson transcended this simplified definition with his cinematic masterpieces, but even then, the music videos didn't generate money directly - they supported the other products that did. So, the video should, at the very least, live up to the song they're representing. But there are times when a video actually makes me like a song LESS than I did before viewing it. Tegan and Sara are twins who, against all odds, make mullets look hot. And on top of that seemingly impossible feat, the chicks can rock. Walking With A Ghost, their 2004 single, is so unique it demands to be heard, and the video is actually pretty cool. But then, three years later came Back in Your Head: another ultra-catchy song that is aptly titled, since it's impossible to listen to without it getting stuck in your head for hours. Still, I really liked the song, especially since it's a favorite of my 5-year-old daughter. Then I watched the video. It's really beautiful for the first five seconds, when all you can see is the girls and their music equipment on a colorful stage. Then it cuts to an audience of dudes in white suits, eerily like some kind of futuristic KKK meeting. It kind of goes down hill from there. So which is worse: high hopes for a product that may not measure up, or a high quality product that is sabotaged by its own marketing?


Anonymous said...

this happens time and time again. i feel alot of artists are lazy with their music videos, and they don't live up to the power the song portrays to me. it's frustrating to watch sometimes, though i am not really into watching music videos right now.